Velominati Super Prestige: Tour de Suisse

A big man playing where little men frolic. Photo: Sirotti

The Tour de Suisse is the last warm-up race prior to the Tour, and the last chance to test your form. As far as Tour rivalries go, we typically see one rival choose the Dauphiné and one la Suisse; it’s unpleasant to ruffle your feathers too much with a pre-Tour head-to-head, you see.

While the Dauphiné has the benefit of previewing some of the Tour’s stages in a race situation, the Tour de Suisse has the benefit of including the only thing more sinister than cobbled bergs: a cobbled mountain pass. This road also holds the distinction of being the only one where I feel more sympathy for the road layers than I do the riders.

Aside from rivals and masochism, the key factors determining which race to ride have to do with the timing of the peak: this race features a full week later in the calendar than does the Dauphiné, and based on the Tour’s parcours and rhythm of the rider’s season, this race may have better timing. But in any case, as with the Critérium, the effort is a dangerous gamble: ride too hard and you could fire off the Guns enter the Tour with little more than starter pistols. Balance, balance.

So, as the Dauphiné winds down, it’s time to start thinking about Suisse, our last VSP before le Tour. Get your picks in by 5am Pacific on Saturday morning. Same drill as usual: Being a week-long stage race, the points on offer are 7 for first, 5 for second, 4 for third, 3 for fourth, 2 for fifth, with the usual allotment of bonus points for getting the rider right but the place wrong.  Also, there are no rest days, so no rest day swaps, but we will have our usual approach for riders who drop out. Piti Principle applies as always. Also review the guide, being careful to note that the rules have changed a bit this year, and we may not have completely updated the guide yet, so if there’s a question, ask.

May Merckx be with you all.


The founder of Velominati and curator of The Rules, Frank was born in the Dutch colonies of Minnesota. His boundless physical talents are carefully canceled out by his equally boundless enthusiasm for drinking. Coffee, beer, wine, if it’s in a container, he will enjoy it, a lot of it. He currently lives in Seattle. He loves riding in the rain and scheduling visits with the Man with the Hammer just to be reminded of the privilege it is to feel completely depleted. He holds down a technology job the description of which no-one really understands and his interests outside of Cycling and drinking are Cycling and drinking. As devoted aesthete, the only thing more important to him than riding a bike well is looking good doing it. Frank is co-author along with the other Keepers of the Cog of the popular book, The Rules, The Way of the Cycling Disciple and also writes a monthly column for the magazine, Cyclist. He is also currently working on the first follow-up to The Rules, tentatively entitled The Hardmen. Email him directly at

View Comments

  • Switching out Horner as even though he is listed on the start list, there is reporting that he is skipping the race (Thanks, Sam!) on velonews and elsewhere. Still sticking with someone from Radioshack, not b/c I like the Team but b/c I think they will race it hard. Considered Leipheimer but I think Klode' will be the man.


    1. F. Schleck
    2. TJ Van Gardenen
    3. Kloden
    4. A. Schleck
    5. Christian Vande Velde

  • Home country boost for Fabian regardless of the route.


    1. Stijn Devolder
    2. Ryder H
    3. Leipheimer
    4. Andre Greipel
    5. Fabian Cancelara


    1. Frank Schleck
    2. Ryder Hesjedal
    3. Levi Leipheimer
    4. Sylvain Chavanel
    5. Peter Sagan

  • Some favorites with a couple of new horses thrown in.


    1. F. Schleck
    2. Kloden
    3. Sagan
    4. A. Schleck
    5. Tejay Van Garderen


    1. Andy Klöden
    2. Buglesong
    3. O. Hesjedal
    4. F. Schleck
    5. Bulky Mollema

  • Not going to miss this one...but do need some time to mull it over. Along with my cableset conundrum. Ah, decisions, decisions!

  • @Dr C
    We like to call those the "Belgian aerobars." Aside from practicing in a safe place, it works a lot better if your bike fits well in regard to frame size, saddle placement and bar reach/drop in the first place. Also, there is no shame in asking for learned advice around here.

  • Unibet sure is giving good odds to Chris Horner, even though he isn't on the start list according to CN. I'd like to hedge my bets and just put "Schleck" in the top spot? Is that allowed? Would the brothers please identify who the team captain is before the start? I'm thinking Frank, I mean Fränk.

    My wild card is Danielson. Unibet does not even consider him a contender. But, if he can't get it together by now then I think I'm done hoping for him.

    Looking at my list, I just don't see how Garvelo and Leotard-Dreck can dominate the GC like that, but, oh well.


    1. Fränk Schleck
    2. Fabian Cancellara
    3. Tommy D
    4. Ryder Hesjedal
    5. Andy Schleck

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